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Desks & Workstations

Enjoy a comfortable workspace with a desk or workstation from Cromwell. We stock a huge range of desks, tables and workstations, including modular accessories and drawers to keep you focused and productive on the job.

Whether you're working from home, in a warehouse or an office setting, we offer workstations, desks and tables in a wide range of designs to suit your décor and sizing requirements. We carefully select every product in our range from market-leading suppliers, like Lee & Plumpton®, Windsor® and Tc®.

What are desks & workstations?

Whether they're used for eating at, assembly or office work, desks and workstations are essentially a surface on which a task can be carried out. Made from various materials including wood, metal and glass, these workplace essentials hold important documents or components, and can be used for writing, assembly, packing and everything in between.

Why desks & workstations?

Modern business practise often requires access to the internet and the myriad of applications available to run operations smoothly. The purchase of a desk and other workspace items, including a desk chair, keyboard, mouse and so on, is essential to give employees a space to focus on the task at hand.

When are desks & workstations used?

Desks & workstations can be used across amost all sectors, but are most commonly found in offices, clerical spaces and public facing businesses.

Desk & workstation types

Having a desk to work at is as important as the work itself. Almost every employee needs a desk at some point during the working day, while office workers rely on them for comfort and organised working.

Computer desk  -   Also called an office desk, this type of desk is available in many designs, including straight, crescent-shaped, with inbuilt drawers or an integrated shelving system. Many suppliers now offer modular ranges so you can build a personalised workspace.

Standing desk   -   To improve an employee's health and fitness, many opt for a standing desk to avoid sitting all day long at work. This type of desk often features adjustable legs to use both for sitting and standing and can sometimes be tilted for writing tasks to maintain good posture.

Workstation desk   -   Often used as a standing desk in a warehouse setting, these desks can also be designed for sitting to complete packing tasks or precision assembly work.

Meeting table   -   Available in multiple shapes and sizes, the classic oval shape is a popular choice among execs for meetings and presentations.

Multi-purpose table   -   Suitable for use as a basic office or classroom desk, these are also widely used in canteens and food halls.

Extension desk   -   When client-facing or frequently meeting with employees, an extension makes the perfect space to designate for meetings alone. Some designs are a rectangular-shaped addition, while others form a semi-circular space.

Considerations when choosing desks, tables & workstations

Size - ensure the desk fits into the space to allow easy access for the user and other employees.

Shape - this is often decided based on personal preference; however, some offices utilise shapes to create an attractive and functional workspace.

Colour - most desks are available in a wide range of colours to suit a particular scheme or company branding.

Accessories - as discussed earlier, many manufacturers now create modular designs to allow for the creation of a personalised workspace.

Desks, tables & workstations jargon buster

When your employees spend most of their working day at a workstation, UK legislation insists on frequent workstation assessments to maintain the health and wellbeing of your workforce.

What does Health and Safety (Display Screen Equipment) Regulations 1992 mean?

This Health and Safety legislation is intended for employees who use a workstation in time slots of an hour or more at a time. This includes mobile and remote staff as well as warehouse packers who don't use a screen.
An assessment will run through a defined list to ensure the employee's current health is catered for and their future health considered.

Let's break it down

• Employee - the assessment will take note of any existing health conditions and any new pain or discomfort caused by the current set-up.

• Equipment - if the employee uses a computer, the equipment will be checked to ensure it is positioned properly, that accessories such as mouse mats and chairs are available and suited to the individual using them.

• Application - the job role of the individual is checked to ensure the workstation supports the activities of this role. For those standing for long periods, an anti-fatigue mat can make all the difference to energy levels and comfort.

• Work environment - this includes noise levels and any hazards that might be a risk to the user, such as oil spills. Anything identified should be actioned as soon as possible and logged for auditing purposes.


Why do I need a workstation assessment?

A poor working environment and equipment can lead to a variety of issues including pain and low productivity. For employees who sit at a desk for long periods, poor posture and repetitive actions can lead to back and shoulder pain, as well as painful and stiff hands, wrists and legs. If an issue can be identified and corrected, either by supplying a wrist rest for typing or a footrest to encourage good posture, then a long list of musculoskeletal disorders may be avoided.

Is a standing desk better for you than a sitting desk?

While the jury's still out on the amount of time you should spend standing to reap the benefits of a standing desk, there is evidence to show that standing for periods of time at a standing desk can improve employee productivity. On top of that, you'll burn more calories and boost your circulation and focus.