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Head Protection Guide

Head Protection Guide

Regulation requires that industrial safety helmets, or hard hats as they are most commonly known, are required to be worn in situations where you may be at risk from head injuries from falling materials or impact injuries on sites.

Our expert guide explains the benefits of the different safety helmet constructions, their uses, and all relevant legislation around applying them to the workplace.

Once the correct product had been selected, the wearer has a responsibility to regularly inspect their safety helmet and replace it immediately when there is damage beyond superficial abrasions or scuffing to the shell. Although not legislated, it is strongly recommended that safety helmets be replaced every five years, although that time period can be reduced with excessive wear and tear.

Cromwell have a wide selection of head protection including all relevant attachable accessories to ensure you are fully protected in your work environment.

Safety Helmets Overview
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The Significance of Head Protection

Despite significant advancements in Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) and improved site standards since the turn of the millennium, workplace safety remains a critical concern. According to the Health and Safety Executive (HSE), there were 123 fatalities due to work-related accidents in the UK during 2021-2022.

The HSE’s 2022 report further highlights the construction industry as a high-risk sector, with injury rates significantly higher than the average across all industries. The importance of wearing a safety helmet on construction sites cannot be overstated. The absence of appropriate head protection can lead to minor injuries like bumps and concussions, severe head and brain injuries, and in extreme cases, even fatalities.

Hard hats serve as a protective shield for your skull, eyes, ears, nose, and mouth. They can be further equipped with additional accessories for enhanced protection of these areas, ensuring a safer working environment. Remember, safety is not just about compliance, but about safeguarding lives.

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Risk Assesment

Conducting a thorough risk assessment is the first step in ensuring workplace safety. Identify potential hazards, evaluate the risks, and implement measures to control these risks. Regular risk assessments can help prevent accidents and create a safer working environment. Conducting a risk assessment for head protection involves several steps

  • Identify Potential Hazards: Review procedures and tasks to determine if there are hazards that can contribute to a head injury
  • Observe the Workplace: Observe the people working to determine the existence of unsafe or potentially unsafe conditions
  • Evaluate Risk: Identify who might be harmed by those hazards and evaluate the risk in terms of severity and likelihood
  • Establish Suitable Precautions: Implement controls and record your findings
  • Review and Re-assess: Regularly review your assessment and re-assess if necessary

To find out more about risk assessments visit The Health and Safety Executive (HSE). Alternatively Our fully qualified Technical Safety Team are always available to support you with your safety needs and are on hand to help you choose the right level of safety equipment for you and your requirements. Ask Our Experts

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Head Protection FAQs

How do you wear Head Protection whilst also wearing religious garb/headwear?

Balancing safety regulations with religious headwear involves discussing needs with employers, who may provide guidance or accommodations. Consider customised headgear that integrates safety features with cultural elements. Helmets with hood extensions or detachable features accommodate religious headwear.

Some industries offer turbans or religious head covering-friendly helmets. For lower impact risks, safety bump caps are an option. Check local laws on religious accommodations and discuss with employers.

Prioritising safety while respecting religious practices involves open communication, seeking custom solutions, and exploring available options for a harmonious balance.

How often should I replace my hard hat?

Hard hats should generally be replaced no more than five years after their manufacture date, or sooner if they show signs of damage or have been used under extreme conditions. However, the lifespan can vary depending on the make and model of the hard hat. Always check the manufacture date, usually located inside the hat, and regularly inspect your hard hat to ensure optimal protection.

Hard hats should be replaced immediately if they show any signs of damage, such as cracks or dents, or if they have been struck by a heavy object

Can I wear a Bump Cap instead of a Safety Helmet or Hard Hat?

Industrial workplaces generally have their own rules and regulations on the type of head protection you should be wearing during work hours on site. However, the general rule of thumb is this: if there is a risk of high impact, you must wear a hard hat. Bump caps only protect you from minor head bumps and cuts.

What are the limitations of Safety Helmets?

Safety helmets, while essential, have limitations. They're designed for moderate impacts and specific threats like falling objects, offering coverage to the head's top and sides. Helmets may not protect against extreme forces, high-velocity impacts, or hazards to other body parts.

Wear and tear require regular inspection, and discomfort in hot environments can be an issue. While helmets reduce head injury risks, they don't guarantee protection against concussions or hazards like chemical splashes and electricity.

Employers must provide thorough training, choose suitable helmets for specific risks, and ensure proper maintenance for effective workplace safety.

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Head Protection Useful Resources

Ensuring safety in the workplace is a shared responsibility. To help you stay informed and up-to-date on head protection best practices, we’ve compiled a list of resources that provide valuable information. These resources cover a range of topics from understanding the importance of head protection, to selecting the right hard hat, to complying with UK regulations.

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Safety Technical Expertise

When selecting the correct safety equipment, there are various factors that must be identified and considered under the management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, to ensure you have compliant and suitable equipment. Without these, you could be putting yourself, your colleagues, and your business in danger. Our easy to follow expert guides can help you understand the different levels of protection and all the legislation that surround each type of safety equipment.

If you still have any questions, need more information, or have more bespoke needs, feel free to ask our experts. Our fully qualified Technical Safety Team are always available to support you with your safety needs and are on hand to help you choose the right level of safety equipment for you and your requirements.

For personalised support or specialised safety products, contact our Technical Safety Team at

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