noscriptTechnical Expertise - Safety Technical Expert Guides | Cromwell

Safety Technical Expert Guides

When selecting the correct safety equipment, there are various factors that must be identified and considered under the management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999, to ensure you have compliant and suitable equipment. Without these, you could be putting yourself, your colleagues, and your business in danger. Our easy to follow expert guides can help you understand the different levels of protection and all the legislation that surround each type of safety equipment.

If you still have any questions, need more information, or have more bespoke needs, feel free to ask our experts. Our fully qualified Technical Safety Team are always available to support you with your safety needs and are on hand to help you choose the right level of safety equipment for you and your requirements.

For personalised support or specialised safety products, contact our Technical Safety Team at

or call our local customer support team on

0800 338 877

Monday to Friday: 7am – 7pm

Saturday: 8am – 12pm

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